5 More No-Nonsense Tips for Weight-Loss

Following on from my previous post, and seeing as summer is right around the corner - I thought I would give a few more tips for weight/fat-loss to help you fit into your Daniel Craig Speedos or your Angelina Jolie bikini (the only reason any guy ever bothered to watch the Tomb Raider films!) :) 

So here we go - and once again, please remember that I am not a dietitian or a nutritionist (see my previous post) and all I am offering is some sound principles, not the latest cabbage soup or horse manure diet or whatever other strange eating regime people seem to dream up so remember any dietary advice given is purely just that and not prescription.


1. Try to get to bed earlier - As the old saying goes "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" - I really do think there's some good value to be taken from this old gem as getting to bed earlier and therefore getting more sleep will help increase important hormones such as Testosterone (remember women have this too) and Growth Hormone which are key to increasing metabolism and burning fat. Also, remember that your body burns lots of calories when you sleep by utillising them to repair body tissues from the day's work. You should also find your energy levels, concentration, appetite, mood, libido and desire to exercise are all improved as added bonuses.

2. Eat more fats - What?! I hear you shouting. If you weren't already aware - there are good and bad fats - in a nutshell, the worst ones are what are called Trans fats which are the processed fats found in prepackaged cakes, biscuits, fast foods, many manufactured products and would you Adam & Eve it - those vegetable oil based margarine spreads that you thought you were healthily exchanging proper butter for! Trans fats have all the negative effects of saturated fats and more - some research even suggests they can add to the build-up of some cancers.

The good guys when it comes to fats are whats known as Polyunsaturated fats and Monounsaturated fats which are found in Olive oil, Avocado, Nuts, seeds, almond oil and last but not least oily fish which are very important as they come under the banner of essential fatty acids (omega 3s!) These all help to regulate your metabolism and help remove or  'soak up' the bad fats in your arteries! They also help with energy levels and keep your skin, hair and nails looking healthy as well as keeping your hunger satisfied for longer so that you're not snacking on sugary 'pick-me-ups'.

3. Do fun activities physical activities - As a Trainer, I see the gym as one of the essential components to keeping fit however I do think there is something to be said for play-time as well. The gym can almost become a chore for some people which is where a Personal Trainer can help but aside from that - try to make time for other physical activities which you feel relaxed doing and enjoy such as playing sports even if its just in the park or something as simple as walking the dog or going for a swim. You'll be surprised how much these activities can compliment the gym and actually improve your 'performance' in the gym due to the variety of movements that enclosed spaces can't always provide as well as it helping to relax your mind. If you would prefer to exercise outdoors but not sure what to do or haven't got anyone to do it with -  why not give me a call for some park training session!

4. Weight/Resistance Training - I always come back to this as this is key in my opinion. Human beings are made to be strong, our muscles develop through movement and resistance exercise. When we lift weights or participate in different forms of resistance training (whether that be with equipment or our own body-weight) we are increasing the amount of muscle tissue all over the body which in-turn increases the metabolism as muscle is very 'active' tissue which needs lots of calories to survive. Therefore you are burning twice as many calories even at rest!

Teaching one of my clients to Dead Lift correctly - one of the most effective exercises for Strength development if done correctly

Teaching one of my clients to Dead Lift correctly - one of the most effective exercises for Strength development if done correctly

5. Cut down on sugar - Like fats, there are certain types of sugar which are fine in moderation such as fructose (the sugar found in fruit). The 'bad' sugar is generally refined sugar found in sweet drinks, fizzy drinks, confectionery and desserts. Desserts like ice cream and cheesecakes are usually the worst culprits as these are processed sugars & fats mixed together in a nice artery clogging cocktail! So how does sugar effect body fat? In a nutshell, too much sugar (especially refined) causes blood sugar levels to spike (sore unnaturally high) causing insulin which is a hormone which regulates blood sugars to be released. If the sugar is not burned off quickly enough through physical activity - insulin will remove it from the blood and convert it into triglycerides which are a type of fat found in your blood. Triglycerides are then stored in your fat cells.

So there you have it folks, just some good old fashioned sound principles for you to 'digest' :-)

